Community VBS

St. Augie’s, Danville Christian Church, and Danville United Methodist Church present Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus from June 20 through June 23. Activities include music, crafts, Bible stories, science experiments, and lots of fun! This free event starts at 6 p.m. and includes dinner for the participants and volunteers. Pick-up time each evening is at 8:30 p.m. Children age 4 as of June 1, 2022 through 4th grade (completed) are invited to participate. Older youth are welcome to help with the activities or guide the children to the stations. To register or volunteer to help, please send an email to Also, please check out the sign-up sheets on the table by the organ. We’ll need food donations and volunteers to help with set-up or to help one more evenings of the event. At the end of our VBS week, we’ll have an ice cream social/water fun night on Friday, June 24 at DUMC. Volunteers and families are all invited! Thanks so much for your support for this community-wide event!