About Us
We are a church that feasts at the table of our Lord Jesus Christ every Sunday.
Come and see. We welcome you to worship with us this Sunday.
“The gifts of God for the people of God. Take them in remembrance that Christ died for you, and feed on him in your hearts by faith, with thanksgiving.”
— The Book of Common Prayer
Our Church
St. Augustine Episcopal Church is located in the town of Danville, Indiana, just six blocks north of the Hendricks County Courthouse. Our sanctuary, with colorful stained glass windows on all sides, is one of the most peaceful and beautiful in our town. Our parishioners come from Danville and the surrounding area, including Brownsburg, Avon, Plainfield, and Indianapolis. We are a growing and active church, and our parish is made up of about 175 families and individuals. Together we make up God’s family, the body of Christ, the Church. We are a family that God has brought together in love and service to Him and to others, and our St. Augustine parish is the warm and loving home of this family.
Visiting Our Church
We gather each Sunday to celebrate Holy Eucharist (communion), the central act of Christian worship. We welcome you to visit either our 8:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. service. At both services, Bible passages are read, and after a sermon and prayers, communion is served. Any baptized Christian may receive communion in our church. Following the 10 a.m. service, Fr. Bill greets the congregation and everyone is invited downstairs to enjoy fellowship and refreshments during Coffee Hour.
We use the Book of Common Prayer as our guide to worship. They are the red books you will find in your pew, along with the Bible and hymnal. We stand and kneel at certain times during the service, and it is easy to follow along with the congregation.
Many Episcopalians do not talk in church before a service and use this time for personal meditation and devotions. Some people kneel in their pew for a prayer of personal preparation for worship. Many people also bow to the altar on entering and leaving the church and before and after communion as an act of reverence and gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ.
We would like you to know that when you visit our church, you will be our welcome guest. You will not be singled out or asked to stand before the congregation. You will worship God with us, as one of us. If you wish to know more about the Episcopal Church or how to become an Episcopalian, please see the Episcopal Church Visitors’ Center website at www.episcopalchurch.org.