Monthly Calendar

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2Presentation of Jesus in the TemplePresentation of Jesus in the TempleThis feast day celebrates of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus. The event is described in Luke 2:22-40. According to the gospel, Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem. When they brought Jesus into the temple, they met Simeon, who had been promiste that 'he should not see death before he had see the Lord's Christ (Luke 2:26). The elderly prophetess Anna was also in the Temple, and offered prayers and praise to God for Jesus, and spoke to everyone there about Jesus and his role in the redemption of Israel (Luke 2:36-38). Malachi 3:1-4
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
Psalm 84 or
Psalm 24:7-10
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 8:00 am
We welcome you to our 8 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with bread and wine will be served.
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 10:00 am
We welcome you to our 10 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with be served with bread and wine. The 10 a.m. service is also streamed live on Facebook.
Sunday SchoolSunday SchoolTime: 10:00 am
Children age 3 and older are invited to attend Sunday School in the Apple House (located behind the church building) at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings. Children who attend Sunday School should be potty trained.
3Cub Scout MeetingCub Scout MeetingTime: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Cub Scouts meet in the Apple House Monday evenings.
4Boy Scout MeetingBoy Scout MeetingTime: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Boy Scout Troop 301 meets in the Apple House Tuesday evenings.
5 6 7 8Prayer Blanket Making DayPrayer Blanket Making DayTime: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Everyone is invited to come to the undercroft and help make our fleece prayer blankets. You're welcome to bring a sack lunch or a snack and a drink to have when we take a break from making blankets. If you can't come for the whole time, please come when you can. Thanks so much!
9Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyFifth Sunday after the EpiphanyIsaiah 6:1-8, [9-13]
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
Psalm 138
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 8:00 am
We welcome you to our 8 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with bread and wine will be served.
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 10:00 am
We welcome you to our 10 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with be served with bread and wine. The 10 a.m. service is also streamed live on Facebook.
Sunday SchoolSunday SchoolTime: 10:00 am
Children age 3 and older are invited to attend Sunday School in the Apple House (located behind the church building) at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings. Children who attend Sunday School should be potty trained.
10Cub Scout MeetingCub Scout MeetingTime: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Cub Scouts meet in the Apple House Monday evenings.
11Boy Scout MeetingBoy Scout MeetingTime: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Boy Scout Troop 301 meets in the Apple House Tuesday evenings.
12 13 14 15
16Sixth Sunday after the EpiphanySixth Sunday after the EpiphanyJeremiah 17:5-10
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26
Psalm 1
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 8:00 am
We welcome you to our 8 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with bread and wine will be served.
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 10:00 am
We welcome you to our 10 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with be served with bread and wine. The 10 a.m. service is also streamed live on Facebook.
Sunday SchoolSunday SchoolTime: 10:00 am
Children age 3 and older are invited to attend Sunday School in the Apple House (located behind the church building) at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings. Children who attend Sunday School should be potty trained.
Boy Scout Board MeetingBoy Scout Board MeetingTime: 7:00 pm
Troop 301 Board of Directors meets in the Apple House on the third Sunday of the month.
17Cub Scout MeetingCub Scout MeetingTime: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Cub Scouts meet in the Apple House Monday evenings.
18Boy Scout MeetingBoy Scout MeetingTime: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Boy Scout Troop 301 meets in the Apple House Tuesday evenings.
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23Seventh Sunday after the EpiphanySeventh Sunday after the EpiphanyGenesis 45:3-11, 15
1 Corinthians 15:35-38,42-50
Luke 6:27-38
Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 8:00 am
We welcome you to our 8 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with bread and wine will be served.
Holy EucharistHoly EucharistTime: 10:00 am
We welcome you to our 10 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist with be served with bread and wine. The 10 a.m. service is also streamed live on Facebook.
Sunday SchoolSunday SchoolTime: 10:00 am
Children age 3 and older are invited to attend Sunday School in the Apple House (located behind the church building) at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings. Children who attend Sunday School should be potty trained.
24St. Matthias, ApostleSt. Matthias, ApostleThis feast day celebrates St. Matthias, who, according to the book of Acts, was the apostle chosen by the remaining eleven apostles to replace Judas, following Judas' betrayal of Jesus. St. Matthias' calling is unique because his appointment was not made personally by Jesus, who had already ascended to heaven, and it was made before the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the early Church. Acts 1:15-26
Philippians 3:13-21
John 15:1,6-16
Psalm 15
Cub Scout MeetingCub Scout MeetingTime: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Cub Scouts meet in the Apple House Monday evenings.
25Boy Scout MeetingBoy Scout MeetingTime: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Boy Scout Troop 301 meets in the Apple House Tuesday evenings.
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